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Hi there, Matt Cook here, with great news: it's shockingly simple to naturally raise your testosterone.

If a man's testosterone is high, he's healthy.

If it's low, he's unhealthy.

And you can tell simply by the quality of your erections -- you don't even need a lab test.

It all started when I found out that men's testosterone levels drop up to 3% per year by the time we hit 30...

My testosterone was really, really low...

By age 50, many of us guys have half the amount of testosterone we used to when we were young...

No wonder I felt like utter crap and was useless in testosterone was rock bottom...

And it wasn't only my testosterone that was estrogens were too high!

The answer was clear: I would have to raise my testosterone levels (they were too low...)

And lower my estrogen levels (they were too high)...

Because this was creating hormone havoc in my system...belly flab, prostate problems, ED, you name it...

So I knew had two options:

#1: Raise my testosterone naturally, or...

#2: Raise my testosterone by taking supplemental injections or patches of testosterone.

The doctor wanted me to just take a pill... but I wasn't sure...

See, at the time, I was dying...

I was on 8 or 9 different Big Pharma drugs and feeling sicker and sicker...

I was afraid I'd drop dead by age 50.

And I probably would have if it wasn't for me deciding to conduct a little experiment on myself...

After tons of research and interviewing experts, here's what I found out about taking supplemental testosterone...

Many men don't do well with testosterone delivered in injections or gels.

Because you see, once a man gets testosterone injected or from any other "outside" source, his body understands that there's no need to make any more natural testosterone.

So the body gets filled with toxic, fake testosterone.

Why is producing natural testosterone so much better than medical testosterone you would get at a clinic?

Well if you inject or consume medical testosterone, the body stops producing natural testosterone because it just got some through a needle or patch or whatever.

And, if you inject or take medical testosterone, your body can increase certain blood cells TOO HIGH, and you may increase the chances of getting a heart attack.

But if you naturally ramp up your testosterone production... immediately notice how you're walking with your chest out, back straight and head held up high...

...feeling that hardened turgid presence wherever you are...enjoying those "semis" that you missed for the longest time...

It's as if you are a teenager again...

...and suddenly you are the most confident man in the room.

Why is it important to produce "natural" testosterone?

Because Big Pharma gives you toxic, artificial testosterone that shockingly turns into estrogen - the exact opposite of what you want!

I found out that many men don't do well with testosterone delivered in injections or gels.

Sure, their blood levels of testosterone go up...but many men don't feel better.

Erections aren't better. Their sex life is still shitty.

It made no sense...until I found out what the drug companies aren't telling you...

Studies show that supplemental testosterone turns into the female hormone, estrogen, in the male body.

There is a chemical enzyme called aromatase in all men that turns excess testosterone into estrogen.

And not just any estrogen...

Estrogen comes in three forms, and the enzyme aromatase turns testosterone into the most potent estrogen called estradiol...

...that is 20 times more potent and powerful than the other types of estrogen.

But don't worry, the big drug companies tell you...that's why we have another pill to block those estrogens!

It's the same medicine they give women who have breast cancer...

And this "estrogen blocker" is super profitable to the drug companies...and quite toxic to the male body...

But nobody is telling men this...

Because they're trying to sell men high priced drug company chemicals.

So how can a man naturally double or triple his testosterone levels?

Well this was one of the first health experiments I ever conducted on myself actually...

And it landed me an interview with ABC News, believe it or not.

But my doctors were freaking out... none of them wanted me to go through with what they called my "dangerous" experiment...

And now I know why -- because everything I'm doing works better than anything they can prescribe...

There's nothing dangerous about this... my testosterone is now up near 900!

And what I've discovered is completely drives your testicles to produce testosterone at an unprecedented rate...

And your sex life is off the charts now thanks to a very high testosterone level you haven't had since you were a teenager!

And just look at you transforming...

Your muscles are now sculpted and shaped like you never believed possible.

And you don't even work out!

Is that a six pack appearing in your belly? And look at those hard and firm muscles...

Women are striking up conversations and hitting on you all the time now because of your high testosterone levels.

At a restaurant, a woman you had never ever met before walked up to your table, struck up a conversation and even caressed your biceps...

...making it very plain that she wanted you physically!

Married men are finding that their wives are incredibly attracted to them now.

And the health problems they used to have are shedding like a snake shedding its skin...

...yielding a new body that is very similar to what it was decades ago, or maybe never was.

Testosterone Rewind raises testosterone in such a fashion that your prostate health improves.

Yes, PSA levels regularly fall for men who use these protocols.

Energy and stamina are improving all the time now.

You have a new assertiveness, even a bit of aggression, and you can't help embracing life in a big way...

...confidently swaggering through the crowds where women want you, and men move aside in respect and even fear you a little.

This is how men were meant to be men!

Testosterone Rewind undoes all of the manhood-killing dangers that are lurking in your kitchen, in your bathroom, and even on your clothes.

This simple testosterone-raising and estrogen-lowering protocol is everything a man needs to live like a true man.

And men using my Testosterone Rewind system are waking up with strong morning wood every morning...

And they are having a fantastic sex life again that they will continue even into very old age.

The entire Testosterone Rewind approach is about reaching higher and higher levels of overall health... your testosterone increases naturally, and your estrogen plummets naturally, and you are healthy and happy...

...while everyone around you is downing more and more pills and in and out of doctors offices and hospitals...

But not you! You're healthier than you've ever been before.

It's all possible with Testosterone Rewind... and today you're getting access for just $1.00!

That's right -- Testosterone Rewind can be yours for just one single dollar...

And this is really an incredible deal because my Testosterone Rewind system is valued at almost $1,200 on its own...

But you're getting it all for just $1.00 today!

And I'm giving it away for this incredibly low price because I want to make T-Rewind available to as many men as possible.

I'm a mission you see... to help as a many men as a I can break free from the medical rathole and enjoy the best sex life possible.

So today, just one single buck starts you out on everything -- and just look at what you're getting!

Here's Everything You're Getting with Testosterone Rewind:

Booster Bites

My Booster Bites are the perfect way for any man to get an immediate "shot" of testosterone, so that no matter where he is or how he feels he can feel like an Alpha. Taking this Booster Bite daily means that you'll ALWAYS feel like there's a coiled dragon in your manhood, just waiting to burst free and ravish any woman lucky enough to be with you.

$97 Value
Sex Drive Amplifier

Say goodbye to Big Pharma's toxic chemicals forever with this all-natural remedy that attacks the REAL cause of ED. This Sex Drive Amplifier is so powerful that it actually works overnight, immediately replenishing your supplies of this vital nutrient so that you can FEEL the difference in the quality of your erections, even if it's been months... And you're not just restoring this key nutrient, you're also stimulating the natural production of testosterone, which augments your stamina while protecting your prostate.

$97 Value
Prostate Shrinking Machine

This is the prostate cure that Big Pharma doesn't want you to know about. They stand to lose billions, because not only does this miraculous and all-natural cure help gradually shrink your prostate over the course of several months, it can help banish pee problems IMMEDIATELY in almost all men. That means no more peeing multiple times an hour, no more inability to empty your bladder, no more sleepless nights -- and you'll be able to experience this practically instantly. On top of that, this protocol helps boost a man's sex drive and makes it easier to get hard right after coming, so you can have as much sex as you did when you were a teen.

$97 Value
One Move That Gets You Fitter Than Your Friends Without Working out

Discover one simple “exercise” that provides all the gains and benefits of working out…without working out. This is the healthier way to build muscle that doesn’t release harmful stress hormones like estrogen and prolactin that tank a man’s T levels. Because believe it or not, many of your friends are working out TOO hard and damaging their testosterone. Now you will know better with this one simple move…And you’ll be experiencing vastly improved muscle tone, loss of belly fat, mental alertness and ability to outwalk, outrun and outwork your (younger) acquaintances…

$97 Value
Tee Soup Protocol

For men who have low T even when taking T supplements -- here’s how to start doubling and even tripling your natural testosterone levels while lowering harmful estrogen, with a simple food you probably already have in your kitchen right now. It's a natural aromatase inhibitor which means it helps slow down the conversion of testosterone into estrogen -- and this helps keep T levels high. My Tee Soup is so easy to prepare, and it’s helped me raise my testosterone past 900!

$97 Value
The Healing Element

Discover the natural arthritis cure Big Pharma doesn't want you to know about! This works better than the most popular over-the-counter pain relievers, and it's safer too. It's completely natural and costs less than a few bucks for several pounds. You only need a small pinch a day to banish chronic nagging pains for good. And it also raises testosterone!

$97 Value
Surprise Bonuses (unadvertised)

The Magic of Letting Go: How would you like to just really be yourself, and have women be powerfully attracted to you just as you are, rather than trying to be someone else? All it takes is this one little switch...

Sex Twice a Day Formula: Doesn't sex every day for the rest of your life sound nice? I'm showing you how easy it is to get your partner on the same page with you and wanting to do it every day, even twice a day...for the rest of your life...

Instant Arousal Guide: Imagine living life in a constant state of arousal where everything you do is fun and exciting, and your sexual energy is at an all-time high. With this, you are reaching a new beautiful erotic state of pleasure and you can even get a woman to do it for you if you want...

10 Ways to Get a Closed Woman to Open Her Legs: Bring the spark back into your sexual relationship with a woman, even if she's lost her enthusiasm, and get her opening herself back up to you in more ways than one...

Become the Man All the Other Men Want to Be: This is about bringing out the very best in yourself, your true self...and being the man all men -- and women -- respect and want to be around...

Touch Her and Make Her Come: I'll show you just how powerful a single touch can it makes a woman start spreading her legs, rubbing herself, moaning your name, and practically pleading for you to enter her and give her what she craves...

Living Your Best Life Now: Wouldn't it be nice to be free of all past negative experiences once and for all, for a brighter, lighter, happier future? Now it's possible to leave behind that one particular event that has been influencing and affecting your entire life since it happened, maybe in childhood, maybe in your teenage years or young adult life...

Turn Her Into a Tiger Slut in Bed: This is a fan-favorite because it unleashes your woman's wild, animalistic side, and yes every woman has one, sometimes it's just buried deep she is showing you parts of her you've never seen before...

3-Min Conversation to Kiss: For men who want to spend more time kissing and less time bickering with their spouse, or less time making small talk with a new woman and more time getting to know each other in bed...

$1,146 Value

Get Testosterone Rewind Now:
Set Up Your Account -- Men Only

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

It's always important to talk to your doctor about any new changes in your health routine.

But be assured: many men who are going through my protocols are on pills for something or other...

And they are getting fantastic results with my protocols and doing it safely without any bad side effects.

And many times, these men are returning to their doctors and being told they don't need the pills anymore!

And what a feeling that is... and you are already well on your way!

All of the techniques in Testosterone Rewind are designed for men who want to maintain healthy, high testosterone naturally...

...without needing patches, pills, gels, pellets, or anything from the doc...

Men who want to enjoy a high sex drive like they did as a teenager...

Men who want to wake up with great morning wood and enjoy strong, long-lasting boners when they're with a woman...

Men who want the confidence to walk in a room full of other guys and know you've got them all beat...

This is the path to living the High T life...

And it's all waiting for you right now...

Okay the answer is this...

Every man is different.

What works for you might not work for someone else and vice versa.

Do what works for you and make the process your own.

You can get some results real quick, like instantly or overnight.

Other results may take a few weeks or months.

You'll be setting yourself up for great success from the get-go.

That means that tonight, this very night, you can have some success raising your T levels and being more of a man with your girl.

And later on, things will start to work even may become thinner and healthier...

...and you will hopefully leave all these problems totally behind and become a total stallion.

My complete testosterone system often fixes the underlying metabolic problem for most guys.

This naturally takes time.

But luckily you've got Booster Bites that you can use right away... so you'll also get some quick results in the meantime, if you stay with it.

And like everything else, staying with it is the whole enchilada.

It works, but you gotta work it a little.

So keep it at and don't forget to let me know how it's going for you.

100% yes.

All of my courses and protocols are designed to work together to give you the best health and sex life possible.

In fact, I highly recommend combining multiple courses and protocols of mine to get your health and sexual function exactly where you want it to be.

You can speak directly to me -- Matt Cook!

I'd love to help you out and answer any other questions you may have.

Just shoot me an email at

And if you're benefiting from Testosterone Rewind and really loving it, it'd be absolutely outstanding if you could write me a quick testimonial...

This way, I can share the good news with other men who are thinking about trying out this course...

And your success can possibly inspire thousands!

Respond in the next 0:00 minutes and try out Bigger, Badder, Better for just $1

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When you say yes today, you’re simply agreeing to TRY my system to see if you like it.

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We generally answer within 15 minutes during business hours, but you can also call 877-691-3328 toll-free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to get help.

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